I get as far as H2014.0000g then get 'Unable to download patch files [30413] [25008] [20495]'. I have tried deleting the whole thing and reinstalling. Editing the BootVersionCheckMode. Using a VPN, port forwarding, and DMZ. Disabling Windows Firewall and Defender (have no other av). Disabling all startup programs and non-windows. It says 'Unable to download patch files. [30413] [25008] [20495]' Are there other ways to download this game other than thru the client?
Download Patch Idm Terbaru
Creating an account for this game is like it's own raid boss
Customer rating 2.0/5.0
December 6, 2016 By Sean McAndrew
Amazon Verified Purchase
2 out of 3 found this helpful
I'm here 12 hours and 5 unanswered support tickets after my purchase and still haven't even been able to play this game.
The initial hellscape of registering my account, was a real trick considering I had an old account on the same e-mail which during registration is not mentioned. You will merely NEVER receive the 'confirmation email' they 'sent' to your inbox. After figuring this out, there was no way to register my new purchase on that old account, leading me to have to use a new email address for a second account. Finally, I have an account and things are looking set right?
WRONG. I leave the launcher open and 'patching' while I go off to work for the day, thinking it will be done when I get home. Couldn't be further from the truth! I received an error message 'Unable to download patch files. [30413] [25008] [20495]'. So I start it up again, thinking maybe something hiccuped while I was away. 'Unable to download patch files. [30413] [25008] [20495]' again.
So I:
-Reset my router 'Unable to download patch files. [30413] [25008] [20495]'
-Flush my DNS cache 'Unable to download patch files. [30413] [25008] [20495]'
-Disable all firewalls/antivirus 'Unable to download patch files. [30413] [25008] [20495]'
-Try using a VPN 'Unable to download patch files. [30413] [25008] [20495]'
-Spent 4 hours doing my own Tech Support for a game I just PAID for 'Unable to download patch files. [30413] [25008] [20495]'
This issue is apparently widespread with no real answer from Square Enix on how to fix it (or heaven forbid, fix their own launcher program!). I haven't even gotten started and already I want to cancel my subscription so as not to support such a terribly crafted product.
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[RESOLVED] Unable to download patch files. [30413][25008][20495]
This is not an issue I have presently but is a record of a solution that worked for me, today, for future searchers. This post will hopefully save time for anyone that has this problem now or in the future.
I was unable to download patch h2014.05.27.0000.0000g. The error message was 'Unable to download patch files. [30413] [25008] [20495]'. The error appeared at random points near 470MB. I succeeded in downloading 6 patch files before this.
I tried the following steps: Close all background applications. Disable all security software. Clear cache. Delete download folder in My Games. Uninstall FFXIV and try again.
Ff14 Unable To Download Patch Files 30413
None of these attempts worked. What DID work was retrying the download through a free VPN. I downloaded just this one file, canceled on the next one to switch off the VPN, and resumed downloading normally. I am not done patching, but I have encountered no issues since.
This is, as others have suggested, either a routing or port issue. By using a VPN, a different route is used and (I believe) port forwarding becomes a non-issue.
Other things that worked for others, which I did not try: Waiting and trying again later. Switching from Wireless to Wired.
Some people have contacted tech support, but I have found no remarks of positive outcomes. This may simply be a failure to return to the conversation once their issue was resolved.